Turning the mundane into the magical

Turning the mundane into the magical in parenting http://www.theyogaparent.com

We practice yoga to feel something.  More open, more connected, more free.

Because this is what we want to feel in every moment, not just in the tiny slice of our life on the yoga mat.

Yoga is a way to know ourselves.  We come to know our body.  Then we know our breath.  Then we have access to our own minds.  In this knowing we get that that flash of the clarity and freedom that is possible.  The dichotomy is that in this knowing we also begin to know all the places where we are not fully open and present.

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Capturing the flow of yoga in parenting

Capturing Flow in Parenting http://theyogaparent.com/2015/07/09/126/


When you’re moving like a well oiled machine.

When all the lights are green.

When you’re dancing in the centre of the beat.

The state you enter when everything works as it should, the pieces of the puzzle just fall into place, you loose track of time and your attention is flowing completely into the task at hand.  You catch a glimpse of it when you see elite athletes performing at their peak, the surfer embodies it when they catch that wave and ride it to shore, it’s the feeling a yoga practitioner has when their breath and body are in smooth synchronicity.

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